Life is short. The average person lives 28,835 days. We spend about 33% of that time sleeping and about 18% at work and school. The remaining 49% of our lives are spent eating, commuting, preparing, cleaning, socializing, serving, and relaxing.

If we don’t make time every day to create the life we wish we had, we’ll never have it.

Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a Daring Adventure or Nothing.”

Adventure School is all about helping you create a life of meaning and impact.

Why should you care about that? Science shows that identifying and living with meaning is the key to:

  • unlocking your full potential
  • making life worthwhile
  • choosing values and goals
  • becoming resilient to mental and emotional problems

The Adventure School Coaching program is specifically designed to help you find a core meaning to your life that will serve as the foundation for building a life of impact.

What’s a life of impact? Life is most meaningful when we get outside our own selfish needs and do things that benefit others. A life of impact is one that changes other people’s lives for the better. This meaning and impact will look different for every person but is the key to a true life of fulfillment.

Recent neuropsychology shows that a key element to both meaning and impact is in living a life of adventure and growth.

What do I mean by adventure?

The definition of adventure is an exciting or remarkable experience.

Using this definition, even washing the dishes could be an adventure. It all depends on your mindset!

Most of the adventure material on my website is related to outdoor recreation, but the intention is to teach you how to live with an attitude and spirit of adventure in everything you do with the goal of helping you create an extraordinary legacy for your posterity and those within your influence.

Life should be filled with exciting and remarkable experiences! We should be living every day filled with adventure, awe, and wonder and doing it for more than just ourselves.

Adventure School isn’t here just for adventure junkies, it’s a resource to help put meaning and impact into everyday experiences so you don’t waste your life wondering how to spend it.

Let'S Go GIF - Hobbit Bilbo Adventure GIFs

So if you’re ready to create a lasting legacy that will inspire everyone around you to be their best selves too, read more about Adventure School Legacy Coaching.


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